The Tennessee Statewide Payroll Conference Board (known as TSWB), Region 7 of PayrollOrg was established after the 4th TN Statewide Conference held August 2011 in Nashville, Tennessee to alleviate the burden placed on Chapter Officers and their chapters. The Board of Directors consists of nine Directors and their committee volunteers that work with the Local Chapter(s) for a location to host the TN Statewide Payroll Conference and then the TSWB Directors plan, negotiate, implement, and manage the TN Statewide Payroll Conference Event. The Board encourages Members of the Local Chapters to be involved by Volunteering for Committees or working with the nine directors.
From 2008 - 2011, the Greater Nashville Chapter hosted the TN Statewide Payroll Conference each year.
Prior to 2008, the Greater Nashville Chapter and Ketuckiana Chapters worked together hosting the Kentucky/TN Conference, alternating between the two States each year.
TSWB (TN Statewide Board)
Mission Statement: Tennessee Statewide Payroll Conference known as TSWB ToPROVIDEeconomical, quality education and networking opportunities to Tennessee Payroll Professionals.PROMOTEexcellence within our profession.MOTIVATEandEMPOWERour conference attendees by providing the tools to be knowledgeable concerning the constantly changing and complex federal, state, and local regulatory issues.
Property of the TN Statewide Payroll Conference Board (tswb) of PayrollOrg. The American Payroll Association assumes no responsibility or liability in connection with the activities of its affiliated chapters. An autonomous and independent Board serving the Local TN Chapters of PayrollOrg